Sound Cloud

Sound Cloud
Istanbul, Turkey
Alper Derinbogaz
Project Credits

Art Director: Can Deliorman
Art Director and Visualisation: NOHLAB – Candaş Şişman and Deniz Kader
Electronic Sounds: Alp Çoksoyluer
Client: Ankara Devlet Çok Sesli Korosu


In the Sound Cloud project, disciplines such as sound, architecture and visual arts intermingle. The spatial and the visual experience go beyond the known perceptions. The main examples of 20th and 21st-century polyphonic choral music such as Arvo Part, Ivan Spassov and Sıdıka Özdil peal out. The performance transforms sound to space, space to form, and form to living structure. In this way, the audience is treated to a vibrant, multi-layered, vocal, moving and breathing performance.


The architectural design of the crystallized cloud-like form represents the sequential passage of sound waves at various frequencies. It is derived from the pyramid, which is the simplest volume-creating archetype in architecture. The visuals projected onto the architectural structure are based on the songs performed by the choir. The form gains motion with the projected images using video mapping. This performance doesn’t just form the visualization of sound, but also allows the viewer to explore different dimensions of space and time, and explodes the viewer’s perception of reality.

Reflect Studio HQ
Groove Heaven
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